Friday, April 25, 2014

Student success statement
“He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.”
A proverb
Reflection: what I think this inspiring quote means is that if you have friends who are kind, trustworthy, honest, fair, and show respect them you will become from which you see so when you hang out with these people that choose the right you will be influenced to do the same and that is to choose the right. But when you hang out with people who cuss do things they are not supposed to do then they will influence you and you will be choosing the wrong and end up a bad person.

Example: for example if you have a friend who is a good person you will most likely be like that person and you will be a good person to. But if you have a friend that’s does bad things then you to will become a person who does wrong things that chooses the wrong.

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